Project Description
In 2018 a group of women from the Nyishi tribe from Jath village in Yachuli block in Arunachal Pradesh came together to form the Deyja Jath Women SHG after with an objective to inculcate the habit of savings and help each other when in need. The SHG members received several trainings on management of SHGs and book keeping practices though NEIDA.
The group later approached NEIDA to provide support for cultivation of paddy, maize, pig rearing and rejuvenation of orange trees. It was reported by the SHG members that after the adoption of improved cultivation practices as recommend by NEIDA though various training events there has been a marked increase in their agricultural productivity. They also shared that each member of the group on an average earns an average income of Rs. 60,000 from different livelihood activities.
“The status of the women in the village was very low, but now that we have started to practice inter-loaning and has taken up income generating activities, we have a say in decision making within our families. We are now stronger, both socially and economically”, says the president of the SHG. The SHG members feels that they have developed a better understanding on a wide range of issues besides saving money. As they meet every month, the members shares their problems with each other and believes that it has brought a positive change in their thinking and behaviour. Looing at their performance, the Arunachal State Rural Livelihood Mission has adopted the SHG and has provided them additional support for taking up income generating activities. One of the member said, “Bhagwan ne ache din ka duwar khul diya” (God has opened door for better days).